Asynconf 2023: A Frontend Odyssey – My Journey as a Jury Member

Zuygui | Jan 30, 2024 min read

Asynconf 2023: A Frontend Odyssey – My Journey as a Jury Member


In the dynamic world of programming and technology, Asynconf stands as a beacon of knowledge and innovation. The annual conference, which has been a staple since 2021, recently marked its 2023 edition with a blend of in-person and virtual experiences, hosted in the vibrant city of Paris Saclay. As a testament to its growth, this year’s conference boasted new partnerships and a thrilling programming tournament that drew over a hundred participants. In this article, I’ll share my unique perspective as both a seasoned coder and a jury member for the prestigious event.

Presentation of Asynconf

Asynconf, a two-day annual conference, has evolved into a global phenomenon, connecting tech enthusiasts, developers, and industry experts. Initially conducted entirely online, the 2023 edition marked a return to in-person proceedings, coupled with a robust virtual presence on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and LinkedIn. The highlight of Asynconf is its annual programming tournament, attracting more than a hundred participants each year who engage in 24 hours of coding challenges, using languages and technologies of their choice.

Graven, the event organizer, orchestrated an impressive lineup of 28 speakers, including well-known YouTubers such as Cocadmin, Graven himself, and Grafikart. The diverse range of topics covered everything from Artificial Intelligence to mobile and web development, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the latest trends and technologies.

New partnerships with entities like Banque Populaire, Axeptio, and Infomaniak added to the event’s prestige, signaling its growing influence in the tech community.

Who Am I?

Allow me to introduce myself – I go by the pseudonym Zuygui. With over eight years of coding experience, my programming journey has led me through languages such as Rust, Typescript (JavaScript), Java, and Python. Currently, I am delving into C++ and Zig with the ultimate goal of creating my own programming language. However, it’s worth mentioning that I harbor a particular aversion to frontend development, a phobia that was put to the test during the challenges of Asynconf 2023.

The Challenge of the 2023 Edition: Frontend

This year’s edition of Asynconf presented a unique challenge for me – the focus on frontend development. As someone with a well-documented fear of frontend work, it seemed like a daunting hurdle. However, little did I know that this very challenge would lead me to a remarkable journey as a jury member.

How Did I End Up as a Jury Member?

It all began with a simple announcement. Intrigued, I submitted my application via direct message. Following a discussion with the organizers, not only did I secure a spot in the event, but I also found myself assuming the role of a moderator.

Image: Asynconf Announcement

Image: Moderator Role

How Did We Prepare for the Event?

The preparation for Asynconf was meticulous and collaborative. A detailed briefing with Graven included understanding the event’s theme, addressing legal requirements, and organizing the tournament structure through an Excel spreadsheet. As part of my personal preparation, I familiarized myself with the tools and systems used in the challenges and extensively studied code on GitHub in various languages.

How Did It Unfold?

Post-event, the unfolding of Asynconf 2023 was nothing short of exhilarating. The culmination of efforts from both organizers and participants created an atmosphere of innovation and camaraderie. The results of the programming tournament, eagerly awaited, showcased the exceptional skills and creativity of the participants.

The Results

Following the event, the announcement of winners brought a sense of accomplishment and recognition to the talented individuals who rose to the challenge. The top three participants demonstrated exemplary problem-solving and coding prowess.

The Podium Programs

3rd Place


2nd Place


1st Place



As I reflect on my journey at Asynconf 2023, I am reminded of the transformative power of challenges and the opportunities they bring. The event not only pushed me out of my comfort zone but also provided a platform to contribute as a jury member. Asynconf continues to be a beacon for innovation, connecting enthusiasts, and fostering a community driven by the passion for technology. I eagerly anticipate the future editions, each promising new challenges, collaborations, and discoveries in the ever-evolving landscape of programming.